

Marketing Support

In addition to our technical and nutritional support, we can offer you marketing support. We help you develop new or existing feed offers by providing marketing expertise and/or evaluation. A customized service adapted to your needs and the market conditions where you operate.

ADM marketing support: don’t be the greatest untold story

As feed production and animal nutrition experts, the world of marketing may seem to be out of your wheelhouse. Social media metrics, customer segmentation and creating a value proposition may be tasks that overwhelm, bore, or even intimidate you.

Identifying the market

ADM is a full spectrum company, and when we say we want to be a member of your team, we mean that we can be a team member in all aspects.

In addition to our technical and nutritional support, we can offer you marketing support. We will help you develop new or existing feed offers by providing marketing expertise and/or evaluation. Our marketing experts will work closely with your sales team to identify which new solutions to work on, the right audience within your market and the best way to reach out to them.

This customized service is adapted to your needs and the market conditions in which you operate to reach potential customers, inform them about your offerings, and help them make a purchase decision.

We assist you with your marketing approach launching new offers:

Once the audience and marketing vehicles are identified, ADM experts can assist you with all kinds of tactical marketing tools to launch new offers, including the creation of communication tools for your products that best illustrate your offer:

  • Brochures
  • Technical data sheets
  • Packaging

These items are then combined with promotional materials to give your potential customers a complete view of what you have and how they can purchase. These promotion materials include:

  • Posters
  • Email campaigns
  • Testimony videos

Develop a marketing plan

The ADM marketing expertise can help you create and steer your operational marketing plan. This plan can include everything marketing is related to that will occur over a set period. Items that may be included are new product launches, campaigns to increase sales, or initiatives to influence reputation perception.

Just like with our animal nutrition offerings, we do not simply tell you what to do and then walk away. We stand by your side at each step of the way and offer a multi-step action plan that fits your goals and needs.

Marketing does not have to be intimidating or overwhelming. With the right people on your team, marketing can be the thing that really sets you apart from your competition and makes sure that your brand rises to the top when consumers consider their purchase options. By working with ADM’s marketing experts, you can set yourself up for success with your products, your production, and the way you share your message with the world.

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